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Monday, December 9, 2019

A Thing of Beauty| NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | | (हिंदी)

NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | A Thing of Beauty |  (हिंदी)

NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | A Thing of Beauty |  (हिंदी)

Stanza 1
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing .


1.Name the poem and the poet.

2. What has been said to be a joy forever?

3. What can a thing of beauty do for us?

4. A thing of beauty is a joy forever." How?

5. Does a beautiful thing lose its beauty?

6. What has a thing of beauty been compared to ?

7. What do beautiful things give us?

8. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?

9. What is the rhyming scheme in this poem?


1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty. The name of the poet is John Keats.

2. A thing of beauty has been said to be a joy forever.

3. It can give us health  and peace .

4. A thing of beauty stays in memories forever. It remains in our imagination.

5. No, a beautiful thing never loses its beauty. Its loveliness increases day after day.

6. It has been compared to a quiet bower.

7. Beautiful things give us permanent joy and peace.

8. No, we do not experience things of beauty only for short moments. They make an permanent impression on us.

9. rhyme scheme: aabbc (forever, never, keep, sleep, breathing).

Q. What Literary Devices are used in this stanza?

Alliteration: Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (Sleep-Sweet)

Metaphor: bower Quiet (calmness of the bower is compared to the calming effect of a beautiful thing)


1 . Name the poem and the poet.

2.  How is a thing of beauty a joy for ever ?

3 . How can beauty 'keep a bower quiet for us ?

4.   What will never pass into nothingness and why?

5. What do you mean by bower'?

6. What are the benefits of beautiful things for us?

7. Write the opposites of 'beauty' and 'sweet'.


1.  The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty The name of the poet is John Keats.

2. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever because it gives us an everlasting joy. Its loveliness never vanishes   from our imagination.

3. It can do so by giving us peace and comfort .

4. A thing of beauty will never pass into nothingness because it is not momentary. It has a permanent effect on us .

5. 'Bower' means a shady place under trees.

6.  Beautiful things give us an everlasting joy. Memory of a beautiful thing  fills us with happiness  whenever we feel sad.

7.   Ugliness,   bitter.

Stanza 2
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth.
Spite of despondence of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days.


1. Name the poem and the poet.

2. What binds us to the earth ?

3. What dearth does the poet talk of?

4. What does the poet feel about human life on this earth ?


I. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty: The name of the poet is John Keats.

2. A Thing of beauty binds us to the earth.

3. It is the dearth of noble natures.

4. He thinks humans are surrounded by sorrow and sadness.
Q . : What are the literary devices used in this stanza ?

Ans : Literary Devices in this stanza are :

Metaphor: wreathing a flowery band (the beautiful things of our life bind us to the earth)
Imagery: creating a sensory effect of beautiful things lined up in a string ( A flowery band to bind us)

inversion: normal order of words is reversed ( Are we wreathing a flowery band)

NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | A Thing of Beauty |  (हिंदी)

Stanza 3

Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
Made for our searching : yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. 

Questions :

1. What does the poet mean by 'o'er-darkened ways'?

2. What does all' refer to in the phrase 'in spite of all'?

3. What does some shape of beauty do ?

4. What idea poet want to convey in these lines?


1. O'er-darkened ways' means mysterious things that man fails to understand.

2. The word 'all' here refers to all the despair and sadness in man's life.

3. It removes the sadness from our heart.

4. The poet means to say that in spite of all the sadness and gloom on this earth, man remain bound to the earth because of the things that are beautiful.

Q. : What are the literary devices used in this stanza?

Ans : Literary devices:

Alliteration: Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (‘s’ in Sprouting Shady, Simple sheep, ‘c’ in cooling covert)

Imagery: Trees giving shade (sprouting shady boon), growing process of daffodils (daffodils with the green world they live in), Clean river streams (Clear rills)

Antithesis: opposite words placed together (old and young)

Stanza 4

NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | A Thing of Beauty |  (हिंदी)

Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in.


1. What does the poet say about the sun and the moon ?

2. What do the trees do ?

3. Where do daffodils live ?

4. What is common about the things the poet has listed in these lines ?


1. He says they are things of beauty.

2. They give shade for the gentle sheep.

3. They live in the green world.

4. They are all things of beauty.

Stanza 5

....... and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms.


1. What do clear rills do ?

2. What protects rills from the hot season?

3. What is the forest brake rich   with ?

4. Explain : 'a sprinkling of fair musk-rose.


1. They make for themselves a cooling covert.

2. Thick low bushes grown both sides protect rills from the hot season.

3. : It is rich with lovely musk roses growing here and there.

4. Lovely musk roses are growing here and there among the forest brake, making it look very beautiful.

(Based on Stanzas 4 and 5)

1. Name the poem and the poet.

2. What is done by young and old trees for the simple sheep ?

3. What does the poet say about daffodils ?

4 . What makes the mid-forest brake rich in beauty?


1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty. The name of the poet is John Keats.

2. They give shade for the simple sheep.

3. He says that daffodils live in a green world of beauty.

4. The fair musk-rose blooms make the mid-forest brake rich in beauty.

Stanza 6

NCERT | CBSE| QUESTIONS | Solutions | Flamingo English | A Thing of Beauty |  (हिंदी)
Symbolic Pic

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.

Questions :

1. Name the poem and the poet.

2. What does the poet say about the grandeur of our mighty dead ?

3. What is remarkable about the lovely tales heard or read by us?

4. What effect does that 'immortal drink produce on us?


1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty. The name of the poet is John Keats.

2. It is the grandeur of being rewarded by God on the Day of the Judgement.

3. They are like an endless fountain of immortal drink pouring unto us from the heaven's brink'.

4 . It becomes a source of joy for ever.

Q. Describe literary devices in this stanza .

Metaphor: Immortal drinks ( beautiful objects of nature are forever like a neverending portion of a drink)

Rhyme: Rhyme scheme is used in every stanza of the poem (forever; never, keep; sleep, dead; read etc.)

Imagery: Bushes full of musk roses (sprinkling of fair musk rose blooms), books describing valor of fighters (grandeur ..mighty dead), god providing us with best things (pouring from the heaven’s brink)

Some Other Questions

Q . 1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

Ans : These things include the sun and the moon. There are young and old trees that give shade for the gentle sheep. There are daffodils, clear rills and musk roses grow here and there at the side of forest brake. Then there are lovely tales that we have heard or read.

Q. 2. List the things that cause suffering and pain.

Ans. There is general depression prevailed among human beings. There is a terrible dearth
Of  noble men. Many evil and mysterious things happen daily. It is hard to understand why they happen. Men pass their days in gloom.

Q. 3. What does the line, "Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to the earth" suggest to you?

Ans. It is only because of beautiful things that we can bear to stay on this earth. There is so much pain and suffering in the world that no one would be willing to live here. But the things of beauty are like a flowery band that keeps us bound to the earth.

Q. 4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings ?

Ans. It is beauty that makes men love life. God has created several objects of beauty. These objects gives endless pleasure and   joy. Their beauty never ends and becomes permanent source of joy. It is these objects that make men love life in spite of their sufferings.

Q. 5. Why is 'grandeur' associated with the mighty dead ?

Ans. The noble deeds of the brave men who sacrificed their lives are an inspiration for us forever. The beautiful legacy of their bravery is the grandeur which is associated with the mighty dead.

Q. 6 : Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?

Ans. : We see a thing of beauty for a few minutes, but it leaves a lasting impression on our mind. It stays in our imagination forever and thus becomes an endless source of joy.

Q.7. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?

An The poet says that the earth has numerous  things of beauty. They give us joy and pleasure for ever .They are like an endless fountain of immortal drink.  This immortal drink  is pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.

Q.8. How can you say that a thing of beauty is a joy forever?

Ans : A thing of beauty leaves a permanent impression on our mind. It stays in our minds for ever. It never passes into nothingness.  Its loveliness increases every time we think of it. Thus it becomes a joy forever.

Q.9 : What does the poet mean by : An endless fountain of immortal drink / Pouring unto us from heaven's brink?

Ans.  The beautiful bounty of the earth is described by endless fountain of immortal drink which signifies that God bestows us with all his beautiful creations which help us live despite the sad, gloomy aspects of life.The immortal drink seems pouring on to us from heaven's brink .

For comprehension and other questions click the links below : 

My Mother at Sixty Six- Kamala Das  : Comprehension and Questions

An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum - Stephen Spender

Keeping Quite - Pablo Neruda 

A Roadside Stand -  Robert Frost

Aunt Jennifer's Tigers - Adrienne Rich

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