My Mother at Sixty Six Summary in Hindi
My Mother at Sixty Six
This poem has been written by Kamla Das , a renowned poet of Kerla, India . Kamla Das is also known as bold poetess. Kamla Das uses pen name Madhavikutty to compose different poems1. Driving from my parent's
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me Doze, open mouthed,
her face ashen like that of a
corpse and realised with pain
that she was as old as she looked
Aqand thought away...
Explanation of the poem :
Poet was driving to Cochin Airport from her parents home in a car or taxi on Friday morning. Her mother was with her sitting on seat beside her. The mother was sleeping and her mouth was open. The mother looked very old and weak. Her face was pale and colourless as a corpse (dead). Looking her mother so old, Poetess feels upset and get scared of loosing her mother. She felt a kind of pain and ache of loosing her mother which she had once felt since her childhood. ( Here poet described some symbolic thing. A child always follow her or his mother and never left her side. If the mother be away for a moment, he started crying. He fears that his mother would lost. Now the poet in this poem seems to feeling the same fear of loosing her mother when she looks that her mother has grown so old and weak and would die anytime.)
कवि अपने माता पिता के घर से कोचीन एयरपोर्ट जा रही थी । उसकी मां उसके साथ कार में बगल की सीट पर बैठी है। उसे नींद आ गयी है और उसका मुंह खुल गया है। ये दृश्य काफी डरावना प्रतीत हो रहा है । कवि को उसकी मां का चेहरा किसी शव की भांति लग रहा है। वो जानती है कि उसकी मां काफी बूढ़ी और कमजोर हो चुकी है। इस विचार से उसे पीड़ा महसूस होती है । 2. and looked but soon but that
thought away and looked out at
young trees sprinting, the merry
children spilling out of their
homes, but after the airport's
security check, standing a few
yards away, I looked again at her ...
Explanation : My Mother at Sixty Six Summary in Hindi
But the poet soon put that thought away from her mind and started looking outside the car. She looked that young trees are running behind the car just like young children. Then she looked the children coming out of their respective homes. They looked cheerful and and carefree. She also sees some sort of similarity between young trees and young trees. Though she knows that it her car that is running not the trees, yet she allowed such type of fantasies. In fact, she wants to drive the thought of loosing her mother out of her mind and to forget about the pain and ache.feeble.
In this stenza poet has created a fine imagery when she says 'merry children spilling out of homes' childhood is time of joy and merrymaking. It also symbolises the activeness and energy. By creating this imagery , poet tries to come out of the thought of loosing her mother who is very old and weak.
अपनी इस मानसिक पीड़ा को दूर करने के लिए वह कार के बाहर देखना आरम्भ कर देती है। और अनजान बच्चे की तरह से ये महसूस करनाशुरू कर देती है कि छोटे पेड़ भगते हुए कार के पीछे जा रहे है । बास्तव में पेड़ नही बल्कि कार भाग रही है। इसी तरह वह नन्हे बच्चों को घर से बाहर आते हुए देखती है । और अपनी माँ के खोने के विचार से बाहर निकलने की कोशिश करती है ।
For comprehension and other questions click the links below :
My Mother at Sixty Six- Kamala Das : Comprehension and Questions
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum - Stephen Spender
Keeping Quite - Pablo Neruda
A Thing of Beauty - John Keats
A Roadside Stand - Robert Frost
Aunt Jennifer's Tigers - Adrienne Rich
3. I looked again at her, wan pale,as a late winter's moon and felt
that old familiar ache, my
childhood's fear, but all I said
was, see you soon, Amma and all
I did was smile and smile and smile....
Explanation: My Mother at Sixty Six Summary in Hindi
At airport, security check was going on and she was standing a few yards away from her mother. She again looked at her mother. Once again she realises that herRead Also: Status Of Education In India
mother's face is as yellow as winter's moon. As we know winter's moon has a yellowish light and look. ( These lines are also symbolic itself. Winter season is the last phase of the year. Similarly old age is also the last phase of life .)
Poet feels that she might not live till she would again come to see her . Once again she feels the same kind of pain and fear which she felt when as a child. It could be her last meeting with her mother.
Yet, poet suppresses all her feelings. She doesn't let out these thoughts and feelings. She hides this from her mother's observations. She simply looks at her mother and hiding all her feelings, Smiles briskly. She only can say to her mother that she would come soon to see her . 'See you soon Amma' are the parting words of the poet
एयरपोर्ट पहुँचने पर वह फिर अपनी माँ को देखती है । उसका चेहरा शर्दियों के चाँद की तरह पीला दिख रहा है। वह फिर से उसी उदासी ओर मानसिक पीड़ा से भर जाती है । वो ये जानती है कि उसकी मां अब ज्यादा समय तक जीवित नही रहेगी । उसे अपनी मां के खोने का डर सताने लगता है । फिर भी वह अपने इन भावों को अपने चेहरे पर नही आने देती है। और केवल इतना ही कहती हैं कि वह जल्दी ही मिलने आएगी और केवल मुस्कुरा देती है ।
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Word Meaning :My Mother at Sixty Six Summary in Hindi
Doze : (झपकी) a short, light sleep Ashen: (पीला पड़ा हुआ) very pale, like ash.
Corpse : (शव) a dead body.
Sprinting : ( तेज दौड़ते हुए) run very fast
Spilling : (भागते हुए , उछलते हुए ) here, to move out in great numbers.
Wan : (रंगहीन, कमजोर) Lacking brightness, pallid, feeble
Ache : (पीड़ा) pain.
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