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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Deep Water summary in hindi class 12 | Question Answer

Deep Water Summary Class 12|English Hornbill 

Deep Water summary in hindi class 12 | Question Answer

Deep Water Summary : 

 The  writer narrates how he overcame his fear of the deep water. This fear had spoiled all his joys of swimming, fishing and  canoeing. He recounts this incident to show how he struggled and overcame that fear.

 In this story,  his mind filled with terror due to some childhood incidents. The writer begins his story when he was three or four years old. 

The writer narrates an incident from his childhood. He was then three or four years His father took him to the Californian sea beach. The child was clinging to his father. But a strong wave came and knocked him down. The water swept over him. The writer's heart was filled with terror. He began to have a terror of deep water.

  However, he decided to learn to swim. He joined a local swimming pool. He got new water wings and started paddling in the water in the manner of the other boys. But one day a terrible thing happened. The writer was sitting alone on the side of the pool. A big boy suddenly came there. He picked the writer up and tossed him into the deeper side of the pool.

    The writer went at once to the bottom of the pool. He used all his strength to spring upwards. He came up slowly. He could see nothing but water. He lost his breath. His lungs ached. He was getting dizzy. He tried to cry in fear, but no sound came. He went down thrice, and thrice he tried to come up. But all his efforts failed. Then he stopped all his efforts. 

     A blackness swept over the writer's brain. It wiped out all fear. There was no more panic, He began to think 'This is nice.. to go to sleep. There is no need to jump. Now I must go to sleep."Then everything blanked out.

      But luckily, he was taken out and saved from drowning. The chap who had thrown him in was saying, "But I was only fooling." Several hours later, the writer walked back home  He was weak and trembling. He could eat nothing that night. For days, a terrible fear filled his heart. He never went back to the pool.

      The writer visited some famous water spots of his country. But whenever he wanted to put his foot into them, his old fear would come back to him. It spoiled all his joy of boating and fishing. So the writer once again decided to learn to swim.

     The writer engaged a very expert and experienced instructor. This instructor put in a lot of effort with the writer. The writer also worked very hard. Bit by bit, he lost some of his old fear. At last, after many months of hard practice, the instructor said to the writer, "Now you can swim. Dive off and swim the length of the pool." The writer was able to do it. The instructor's job was finished.  Now the writer would try to swim alone in some rivers and lakes. Sometimes, little memories of the old fear would come back. But he would drive them out of his mind at once. At last, he was able to conquer all fear of deep water. He could swim miles across big rivers and lakes.


    The writer still has some doubts. He went to lake Wentworth at New Hampshire. He dived into the lake and swam two miles and came back. At last he went to Warm Lake. He  swam across the lake and back. He shouted with joy. Thus he was determined that he conquered his fear of water.


   The writer's experience of swimming had a deep meaning for him. There is terror only in the fear of death. In death, there is peace. Therefore, all one needs to fear is fear itself.

Deep Water  summary in hindi class 12

कहानी में लेखक बताता है कि उसने गहरे पानी के सम्बन्ध में अपने भय पर कैसे काबू पाया। यह भय बचपन की कुछ घटनाओं की वजह से उसके मन में भर आया था। लेखक अपनी कहानी तब से शुरू करता है जब उसकी आयु तीन या चार वर्ष की थी।

लेखक अपने बचपन की एक घटना का वर्णन करता है। उसकी आयु तब तीन-चार वर्ष की थी। उसका पिता उसे कैलीफोर्निया वाले समुद्र-तट पर ले गया। बच्चा अपने पिता के साथ चिपटा हुआ था। किन्तु एक तेज लहर आई और इसने उसे नीचे पटक दिया। पानी उसके ऊपर से निकल गया । लेखक का दिल भय से भर गया। उसे गहरे पानी से बहुत भय होने लगा।

किन्तु उसने तैरना सीखने का निर्णय कर लिया उसने एक स्थानीय स्विमिंग पूल में प्रवेश प्राप्त कर लिया। उसने पानी में तैरने के नए वाटर-विंग्ज़ ले लिए तथा दूसरे लड़कों की भांति पानी में पांव चलाने लगा। किन्तु एक दिन एक भयानक बात घटित हो गई। लेखक सरोवर के किनारे अकेला बैठा हुआ था। एक बड़ा लड़का अचानक वहां पर आ गया। उसने लेखक को ऊपर उठाया और सरोवर के गहरे वाले छोर में उछाल दिया।

लेखक तुरन्त सरोवर के निचले तल तक पहुंच गया। उसने ऊपर को उछलने के लिए अपनी पूरी ताकत का इस्तेमाल किया। वह धीरे-धीरे ऊपर आया। उसे पानी के अतिरिक्त और कुछ दिखाई नहीं देता था। उसकी सांस उखड़ गई। उसके फेफड़े दर्द से भर गए। उसका सिर चकराने लगा। उसने भय में चिल्लाने की कोशिश की किन्तु कोई आवाज़ -निकल न पाई। वह तीन बार नीचे को गया और तीन बार उसने ऊपर आने की कोशिश की। किन्तु उसके सभी यत्न असफल रहे। फिर उसने अपने सभी यत्न छोड़ दिए।

लेखक के दिमाग पर एक कालापन-सा छा गया। इससे उसका सब भय समाप्त हो गया। अब कोई घबराहट नहीं रही थी। वह सोचने लगा-'अब बढ़िया है.... मैं सो जाता हूँ। अब उछलने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है। अब मुझे सो जाना चाहिए ........।' फिर हर बात दिमाग से निकल गई। 

किन्तु सौभाग्यवश उसे बाहर निकाल लिया गया और डूबने से बचा लिया गया। वह लड़का जिसने उसे अन्दर फेंका था, कह रहा था, "लेकिन मैं तो केवल मजाक कर रहा था।" अनेक घंटों बाद लेखक वापस घर चल कर गया। वह कमजोरी महसूस कर रहा था और कांप रहा था। उस रात वह कुछ भी खा न पाया। अनेक दिनों तक एक भयानक भय उसके दिल पर छाया रहा। वह उस सरोवर को दोबारा वापस कभी न गया।

लेखक ने अपने देश के कुछ प्रसिद्ध जल-स्थलों का भ्रमण किया। किन्तु जब कभी वह उनके अन्दर अपना पांव डालना चाहता, उसका पुराना भय उसे वापस आ घेरता इससे उसका नौकायन करने और मछली पकड़ने का स आनन्द जाता रहा। इसलिए लेखक ने एक बार फिर से तैरना सीखने का निश्चय कर लिया।

लेखक ने एक बहुत कुशल और अनुभवी प्रशिक्षक को लगा लिया। इस प्रशिक्षक ने लेखक के साथ खूब मेहनत की।

Deep Water  summary in hindi class 12

लेखक ने भी बहुत कड़ी मेहनत की। धीरे-धीरे उसका कुछ पुराना भय जाता रहा। अन्त में, अनेक महीनों के कठिन अभ्यास के बाद, प्रशिक्षक ने लेखक से कहा, "अब तुम तैर सकते हो। छलांग लगाओ और सरोवर की पूरी लम्बाई को तैर कर पूरा करो।" लेखक ऐसा करने में समर्थ हो गया। प्रशिक्षक का काम अब पूरा हो चुका था ।

अब लेखक कुछ नदियों और झीलों में अकेले तैरने की कोशिश करता। कई बार पुराने भय की छोटी-मोटी यादें उसके मन में वापस आ जातीं। परन्तु वह तुरन्त उन्हें अपने मन से बाहर निकाल देता। अन्त में वह गहरे पानी के सम्बन्ध में अपने सब भय पर काबू पा गया। वह बड़ी-बड़ी नदियों और झीलों के आर-पार मीलों तैर सकता था।

लेखक का तैरने के बारे में अनुभव उसके लिए एक गहरा अर्थ रखता था। मृत्यु के सम्बन्ध में भय में ही आतंक होता है। मृत्यु में तो शान्ति होती है। इसलिए एकमात्र चीज़ जिससे डरने की मनुष्य को ज़रूरत होती है, वह भय ही होता ।

Deep water Extra Questions and Answers

Q. 1. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water ? 

Ans. Douglas' fear of water spoiled all his joys of fishing, boating and swimming. So he was determined to get over this fear. 

Q. 2. How did the instructor build a swimmer out of Douglas ?

Ans. The instructor was a very experienced and patient person. He used a unique method to train the writer in swimming. He put a belt round the writer. A rope was attached to the belt. It went through a pulley. The pulley ran on an overhead cable. The instructor held on to the end of the rope. Thus the writer went back and forth across the pool. He practised for many weeks. The tension began to grow less. Then the instructor taught him to exhale underwater and inhale above water. The writer repeated this exercise hundreds of time.of times. Bit by bit, he lost some of his old fear. Next, the instructor taught him to kick with his legs. Thus, piece by piece, the instructor built out of the writer a swimmer. And at last he said, "Now you can swim. Dive off and swim the length of the pool.” The writer was able to do it.

Q. 3. What is the 'misadventure' that William Douglas speaks about ?

Ans. The misadventure referred to happened at the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool. One day, the writer was sitting alone on the side of the pool. There was no one there. He was afraid of going into the water alone. So he was waiting for others to come. Suddenly a big boy came in. He picked the writer up and tossed him into the pool. The writer at once went to the bottom of the pool. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But he came up very slowly. He could see nothing but water. He grew panicky. Twice the tried to jump, but the jump made no difference. At last he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q. 4. What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool ? What plans did he make to come to the surface ?

Ans. At first, he was frightened, but not much. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But the jump made no difference. He came up very slowly. He grew panicky. He was suffocating. He tried to cry but no sound came. He tried to bring his legs up. But a great force was pulling him under. He had started his journey back to the bottom. Complete terror seized him. He was crying underwater. He was stiff with fear. He felt the tiles under him. He jumped with all his might. But again it made no difference. He started down a third time. Now he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. He was feeling nice. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q. 5. How did the experience affect William Douglas ?

Ans. The experience shook the writer badly. After some hours, he was able to walk back home. He was feeling very weak. He was trembling. He shook and cried when he lay on his bed. He couldn't eat  that night. For days, a terrible fear filled his heart. He never went back to that pool again.

Q. 6. How did Douglas make sure that he had conquered the old terror? 

Ans. The writer visited some of the famous water spots. At last, he went to lake New Hampshire. He swam two miles across the lake. Then he went and camped by the

Wentworth in side of the Warm Lake. The next morning, he dived into the lake. He swam across to the other shore and back. He shouted with joy. He had conquered his fear of water.

 Q.7. How does Douglas make clear to the reader the sense of panic that gripped him as he almost drowned ? Describe the details that have made the description vivid.


Douglas vividly describes each and every moment of his experience when he was thrown into the pool. He went at once to the bottom of the pool. He says that he was frightened, but not much. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But the jump made no difference. He came up very slowly. He grew panicky. He was suffocating. He tried to cry, but no sound came. He tried to bring his legs up. But a great force was pulling him under. He had started his journey back to the bottom. Complete terror seized him. He was crying underwater. He was stiff with fear. He felt the tiles under him. He jumped with all his might. But again it made no difference. He started down a third time. Now he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. He was feeling nice. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q.8. How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?

Ans. After getting his training from the instructor, Douglas still had his old fears. He feared that his old fears would come back to him when he would be alone in water.  He dived into the pool and swam the length up and down. Little memories of the old terror would return. But he would drive all fear out of his mind. This went on for four months. But he was still not satisfied. He was not sure that all his fear had left. So he went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire. He swam two miles across the lake. The old fear returned a little, but soon all fear fled and he swam on. Then he went and camped by the side of the Warm Lake. The next morning he dived into the lake. He swam across to the other shore and back. He shouted with joy. He had conquered his fear of water.

Q. 9. Why does Douglas, as an adult, recount a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it ? What larger meaning does he draw from this experience ?

Ans. Douglas' experience of his attempts at swimming had unfolded to him a great fact of life. He wanted to share it with all human beings. That is why he recounted his experience in such vivid detail. His experience had taught him that there is terror only in the fear of death. In death, there is peace. Therefore, all one needs to fear is fear itself.

Q. 10. What did the writer remember when he came to himself after the misadventure at the pool ?

Ans. He remembered that he was lying on his stomach beside the pool. He was retching (vomiting). The chap who had thrown him in was saying, "But I was only fooling." Someone said  "The kid had  nearly died."

Q.11. How was the writer affected by his misadventure at the pool ? 

Ans. It shook the writer badly. After some hours, he was able to walk back home. He was trembling with fear. He couldn't eat anything that night. He lost confidence and never went back to that pool.

Q.12 . Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of the water? 

Ans. Douglas visited many famous water spots in his country. But wherever he went, the old fears would come to his mind. It spoiled all his joys of fishing, boating and swimming. That was why he was determined to get over this fear.

Q.13. Why did   writer's mother warn  about Yakima ? 


The Yakima river  was very dangerous. The writer's mother often warned him of it. She kept reminding him of the various drowning accidents in it. But there was an association named Y.M.C.A. It had a swimming pool. It also offered opportunities to learn to swim. 

Deep Water  Questions Answers

Q. 14. What was the 'misadventure' at the Y.M.C.A. pool that the writer William Douglas speaks about ?


The misadventure referred to happened at the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool. The writer had joined the pool to learn swimming. One day, he was sitting alone on the side of the pool. There was no one there at that time. He was afraid of going alone in the pool. So he decided to wait for others to come. Suddenly I big and strong boy came in. He picked the writer up and tossed into the deep edge of the pool. He landed in the sitting position. He was  frightened, but not much. He at once went to the bottom of the pool. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But he came up very slowly. He could see nothing but water, He grew panicky. He tried to shout, but no sound came out. His legs were stiff and paralysed. His lungs were ready to burst. He was suffocating. His head was  throbbing terribly. Twice he tried to jump, but the jump made no difference. At last he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q. 15. Narrate briefly the writer's emotions and fears when he was thrown into the pool. What plans did he make to come to the surface ?


At first, the writer was frightened, but not much. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But the jump made no difference. He came up very slowly. He grew panicky. He was suffocating. He tried to cry but no sound came. He tried to bring his legs up. But they were hung like dead logs.   A great force was pulling him under. He had started his journey back to the bottom. Complete terror gripped him. He was crying underwater. He was stiff with fear. He felt the tiles under feet. He jumped with all his might. But again it made no difference. He started down a third time. Now he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. He was feeling nice. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q. 16. How does Douglas describe the panic that gripped him as he was almost drowned ? What makes the description so vivid ?


 Douglas noted each of his feelings and emotions while he was struggling underwater. And he has reproduced them very vividly. When he was thrown into the pool, he went at once to the bottom of the pool. He says that he was frightened, but not much. On his way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But the jump made no difference. He came up very slowly. He grew panicky. He was suffocating. He tried to cry but no sound came. He tried to bring his legs up. But a great force was pulling him under. He had started his journey back to the bottom. Complete terror seized him. He was crying underwater. He was stiff with fear. He felt the tiles under him. He jumped with all his might. But again, it made no difference. He started down a third time. Now he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. He was feeling nice. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

Q. 17. How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?


After getting his training from the instructor, Douglas still had some old fears. He feared that his terror would come back to him when he would be alone in the water. So he tried himself once again. He dived into the pool and swam the length up and down. Little memories of the old terror came to him. But he drove all fear out of his mind. This went on for four months. But he was still not satisfied. He was not sure that all his fear had left. So he went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire. He swam two miles across the lake. The old fear returned a little. But soon all fear fled and he swam on. On another occasion, he went and camped by the side of the Warm Lake: The next morning, he dived into the lake. He swam across to the other shore and back. He shouted with joy. He had conquered his fear of water.

Q. 18. Why does Douglas, as an adult, recount a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it ? What larger meaning does he draw from this experience ? 


As a child, Douglas had a great fear of deep water. In order to get over this fear, he decided to learn swimming. He joined the Y.M.C.A. that had a swimming pool. He got a new pair of water wings and started practising with them. But one day, a big boy came silently from behind, picked

him up and tossed him into the pool. He went down to the bottom. He grew panicky. He tried to cry but no sound came. Complete terror seized him. He was stiff with fear. He felt the tiles under his feet. He jumped with all his might. But it made no difference. Now he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic. He was feeling nice. Everything blanked out. The curtain of life fell. But luckily, before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.

By recounting this childhood experience, Douglas wants to convey it to others that there is terror only in the fear of death. But in reality, there is peace in death. Therefore, all one needs to fear is fear itself, not death. This is the larger meaning that Douglas draws from this experience. 

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