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Thursday, July 11, 2019

THE VOICE OF THE RAIN | Explanation in Hindi


By Walt Whitman
THE VOICE OF THE RAIN  | Explanation in Hindi

About the Poet : 

Walt Whitman, America's
most influential poets was born on
May 31, 1819 in West Hills, Long
Island, New York. He was the
second of nine children and was
immediately nicknamed "Walt" to
distinguish him from his father. At the age of 11, Walt Whitman was  taken out ofs by his father to give a helping hand with household income. He started to work as an office boy for Brooklyn-based attorney team and eventually found
employment in the printing business. At the age of seventeen, he began his career as
teacher in the one-room school
houses of Long Island. He
continued to teach until 1841
when he turned to journalism as a
full-time career
Walt Whitman

At the outbreak of the Civil War,
Whitman vowed to live "cleansed" life. He worked as a freelance journalist and visited the wounded at New York City-area
hospitals. He then traveled to
Washington, D. C. in December
1862 to care for his brother who
had been wounded in the war.
Overcome by the suffering of the
many wounded in Washington,
Whitman decided to stay and work
in the hospitals and stayed in the
city for eleven years. Whitman
struggled to support himself
through most of his life. In
Washington, he lived on a clerk's
salary and modest royalties.
But in 1873 his life took a dramatic
turn for the worse. In January of
that year he suffered a stroke that
left him partially paralyzed. In May
he traveled to Camden, New
Jersey, to see his ailing mother,
who died just three days after his
arrival. Whitman found it
impossible to continue with his job
in Washington and relocated to
Camden to live with his brother
George and sister-in-law Lou.

On March 26, 1892, Walt Whitman
passed away in Camden.
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Rephrasing of the poem

Stanza 1

And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower,

Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:

Explanation :

Poet is watching rain falling on the roof and get excited. He tries to know who it is and get surprised hearing the answer of the rain. Poet asked the gently falling rain who it was. Poet feels strange when rain starts answering his question. Answer is translated as below.
Here poet personifies the rain as he tries to attribute human qualities to a non living thing.

Explanation in Hindi:

 तुम कौन हो? कवि धीमे से पड़ने वाली बर्षा से पूछता है। कवि को ये बहुत ही अजीब लगता है कि बर्षा उसके सवाल का जबाब देती है। जिसे वह इस तरह से अनुवाद करता है।
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Stanza 2

I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,

Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely formed, altogether changed, and
yet the same,

I descend to lave the droughts, atomies , dust-layers of the globe,

And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn;

And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin,

and make pure and beautify it;


According to poet, rain says that it is the  poem of the earth.  It continuously rises from land and deep seas in the form of evaporation which can't be seen or touched at all. It goes toward sky and takes rough shape of clouds , a changed shape yet it remains the same. ( It still remains in the form of water vapour and can't be touched). It now drops on the earth and washes the droughts prevailed during the long summer season.  It  wets the dust layers of the world    and provides water to the seeds buried under soil without Life.

THE VOICE OF THE RAIN  | Explanation in Hindi
Plants growing

Rain  gives them water to germinate. Rain always  refreshes and gives new life to  its own origin. It  makes this earth pure and beautiful.
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 Explanation in Hindi:

वर्षा कहती है कि वह इस धरती की poem है। बर्षा निरन्तर धरती और गहरे समुद्रों से ऐसे रूप में बनती है जिसे छुआ नहीं जा सकता है। ऐसे रूप में ये आसमान की ओर उठती है जहाँ पर ये अस्पष्ट रूप धारण करती है। लेकिन ये बदलने के बाद भी पुराने रूप में ही रहती है। फिर ये बर्षा बनकर धरती पर गिरती है और सूखे को धो देती है । ये धूल की परत को भी गीला करती है, जिसमें बीज बिना जन्म के छुपे रहते है । उन बीजों को भी नया जन्म देती है। दिन रात बर्षा करके ये

THE VOICE OF THE RAIN  | Explanation in Hindi
River Refreshed

अपने उत्पत्ति स्थल, नदियों और समुद्रों को भी जीवन पुनर्जीवित करती है तथा उन्हें शुद्ध और सुन्दर बनाती हूँ।

Stanza 3

(For song, issuing from its birth-place, after fulfilment, wandering,

Recked or unrecked, duly with love returns.)


Last two lines are not part of dialogue between rain and poet. This is general observation of the poet. When a song originates from a musician (its birthplace), it moves throughout the world. Whether anyone admires / appreciates  or not, it doesn't care about it. A song comes out of the singer and the world listens to it. It may be appreciated or not, doesn't matters to it . One day it returns to the singer as love and admiration.
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Explanation in Hindi:

ये कवि और वर्षा के वीच का वार्तालाप नहीं है। ये कवि का अपना विचार है। इसी बजह से इन लाइनों को प्रकोष्ठों में रखा गया है। कवि का मानना है कि जब कोई संगीतकार कोई गीत गाता है तो ये पूरे संसार में फैल जाता है। लोग उसे पसंद करते है या नहीं , इस बात का कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है। एक दिन ये अपने जन्मदाता के पास प्रेम और प्रशंसा के रूप में लौट कर आता है।

Word Meaning:

And who art thou –( तुम कौन हो?) Who are you?

Said I –  (मैं पूछा) I

Shower –  (यहाँ बर्षा) rain

Eternal – (निरन्तर) Forever

Impalpable –(छुआ न जा सके)  Cannot be touched; intangible

Bottomless sea –( अथाह समुद्र) Deep sea

Upward – (ऊपर उठना) Going high

Heaven – (आसमान) Sky

Whence – (जहाँ से ) From where

Vaguely – ( अस्पष्ट)  Dimly; not clearly
Descend – (नीचे आना; गिरना )  Come down from a height ; fall

Lave – ( धो देना , पानी से भर देना)  Wash; give water

Droughts – (  सूखा ) Dryness caused by absence of rain/water

Dust – (मिट्टी) ;  here Soil

Atomies – ( हर कण) every particle

Globe – (संसार , धरती ) Earth

And all that in them – ( जमीन में दबे बीज ) All the seeds buried in the earth

Latent – ( छूपे हुए ; अजन्मा ) Not able to grow ; hidden

For – (क्योंकि) Because

Issueing – ( आरंभिक )Starting

Birth-place – Rivers and seas

Fulfillment – ( हर जगह बर्षा होना / गीत का सुना जाना ) After raining for the earth or song being listened to in the world

Wandering – ( बादल छाना/ गीत का सुना जाना ) Clouds wander across the sky / music listened to by everyone

Reck’d or unreck’d – ( इसकी परवाह करो या नही ) Whether you liked or disliked; whether you cared for or not.

Duly –  (सही मायने में ) Rightly

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